July 28, 2008

Gaming Edu: Fear Of Losing Harm The Community?

by Rinie. Monday 28/9/08.

It may be a reason but its not the main reason. If fear is the main reason then there would not be doctors in Malaysia. Doctors is more dangerous than playing games. If the docs failed to heal a person and was the reason for a person death, it will haunt them for the rest of their lives. Because health and fitness is deeply connected to a person's live thus docs are a more fearful jobs of all.

But why ppl still be docs? Infact, every year more and more ppl are going into the medicine line. More and more colleges and universities open up slots for the medicine fields although its the highest risk job. Why?

1. The Pay

It is the jobs with the highest risk but its the most highest return as well. A doc can easily earn more than 5 digit and live a luxurious life.

2. The Image

Everybody look high on them. They have the respect of all the community in the world. They have been portrayed as someone that we should all respect and as someone living the good lives and a promising future regardless in good or bad situation.

That is why many people want to be docs. Because of the good pay and good image. Even fear can be overcome just by focusing on this 2 elements. There are just plenty other reasons why more and more ppl bcome docs but this 2 are the main. This is something the gaming community lack off and never tried to portray. Heck majority of people never know that there is Asian Champions in Malaysia.

But it is still not a good reason if someone want to be a doc because of the 2 reason. In fact i discourages those who wanted to go into the medicine line because of this. We all should do what we love to do the most not because money and fame.

But if you do have the fear of losing, guess what? You are not a gentleman at all! You are not worthy to be called a man! (If you're a women than you dont have girl power!) What is this? You think you can be a champion if you are afraid to lost? You think you deserve to be called champion if you afraid to lost face infront of your families and friends? You dont even deserve to join with those so called pro-gamers.

Losing is just another stage to success. Nobody can ride the bicycle at the 1st try. We all will fall down at 1st. But if you were like the young boy you used to be where you dont care anything you just want to ride the bicycle because you love it and its fun, you will in the end ride the bicycle. And trust me you will never regret falling down at all.

Come on. Even rainbow only appear after the rain. ^^