July 7, 2008

Pro Gaming in the United States...

While i was surfing the web, i came across an article from the CGS website.....

''Getting Schooled in Gaming'' - At first glance i thought it was a gaming course carried out by professional gamers. After reading the article, i found out that Palmdale High School in Southern California had a class called the FalconTech class carried out by Mr.Leonard Moreno, a teacher at Palmdale High School. This class teaches students how to market themselves as pro gamers and students here are provided with the tools that they will need to either step into the pro gaming field or take an alternate route into game design. Jonathan “Fatal1ty” Wendel and Kat “Mystik” Gunn were there to spend some time with these students and they also participated in the Q&A session. More on the article here

Hopefully more people will soon realise the relevance of pro gaming as an alternative way to earn a living.

Championship Gaming Series